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AUveechi is a persona model I made to suit me. If you like it then have it, I love working on this model.


GoldenMass worked on the HoloDome for a while, until he died from a unfortunate reality corruption accident which destroy the Dome and himself. this Cyborg was his invention that was represented as his servant and act as a communicator for his friends. After his death, the Dome sent one last command and it's to send his soul to this creation so he can live on after he died.

Golden love Protogen and Eevee which is why this creation looks like a combination of both.


-Poiyomi Shader ver 8.1+

-(optional) Magic3000 ScreenSpace Shader https://vrcmods.com/item/4300

What you are allowed to do:

- upload the avatar as private.

- upload the avatar as public as long as there is a Gumroad link in the avater.

- can make edits to the avatar.

- can upload to other platforms such as NeosVR or ChilloutVR for pesonal use only (if there is a Gumroad link in it it can be public).

- allow to make commissions on the avatar for direct upload. If for a package, make sure the customer has already bought the avatar.

What your NOT allowed to do:

- resell or redistribute the avatar or parts.

- claim the ENTIRE avatar as your own work.

- make a public of the avatar WITHOUT the Gumroad link.

- Steal or Rip the avatar.

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